In the heart of the United States, nestled between the mighty Mississippi River and the shimmering Lake Michigan, lies a land of towering skyscrapers, lush cornfields, and warm-hearted people, aptly named Illinois. This magical land is inhabited not only by humans but by a jolly, charming character known as Putter Pete. With his neon green golf ball nose and putter for an arm, Putter Pete is a legend amongst the young Illinoisians. You see, Putter Pete is a whizz at mini golf, which just so happens to be the favorite pastime of the spirited kids of Illinois. These boys and girls aren't just any ordinary mini golf players, oh no! They are the champions of chutzpah, the masters of mirth, and the wizards of the windmill hole. Their enthusiasm and skill in the game have earned them a special place in Putter Pete's heart. He zips around the mini golf courses, teaching them tricks, sharing funny stories, and occasionally getting stuck in sand traps. Laughter echoes around as Pete pops up from the most unexpected places, his shiny golf ball nose glistening in the sunshine. These Illinoisians kids show the world that mini golf isn't just a game; it's an adventure. An adventure filled with astonishing holes-in-one, hilarious mishaps, and the sheer joy of spending time with friends and a funny, golf-ball-nosed friend. So, whether they are at the southernmost tip of Cairo or under the shadow of Chicago's towering giants, you'll find the kids of Illinois, putters in hand, ready for another round of fun with Putter Pete.
Read morebest mini-golf programs in Bloomington, IL
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Our pro's have experience in all areas of the game and can help you develop the skills to reach your next level.
Looking for a great family activity in Bloomington, IL? Then head to Hershey Road Bowling Center! Boasting 32 lanes of open bowling, league bowling, and tournaments, there’s something here for everyone. Not to mention, we host birthday and corporate parties, too! Hungry? Stop by our large pub for a meal, and be sure to check out our special events. For the warmer months, we’ve added a professional 18 hole miniature golf course (by Harris Miniature Golf) and two volleyball courts. And if that’s not enough to keep you busy, the new beer garden is open all year round. With something for everyone, Hershey Road Bowling Center is the perfect place to bring the whole family! So don’t wait – come out to Hershey Road Bowling Center in Bloomington, IL and create lasting memories! Our 32 lanes, mini golf, volleyball courts, beer garden, and more are ready and waiting for you. We’re sure you’ll have a great time!