In the heart of the bustling midwestern realm known as Ohio, where skyscrapers sway side by side with ancient trees and fields of golden corn, a band of fearless and adventurous kids embarks on thrilling nature excursions that would make even a squirrel's fur stand on end! Led by their zany and fabulously mustachioed guide, Professor Wobblebottom, a man so wildly enthusiastic about nature that birds have been known to migrate just to avoid his loud outdoor lectures, these kids seek out the fluffy, the scaly, the leafy, and the muddy wonders of Ohio's great outdoors! Every weekend, when the sun yawns and stretches its golden arms over Ohio's famous Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the glistening waters of Lake Erie, or the charming Amish Country, Professor Wobblebottom and his troop of nature-loving kiddos hustle and bustle into their big green bus, chugging towards another exciting outdoor escapade. With binoculars, bug boxes, and sandwiches jam-packed with peanut butter and jelly, they toddle off into the wild, wide yonder! From the teeming forests of Hocking Hills State Park, where they've startled more than one sleeping bear, to the sandy shores of Headlands Beach, where they've built the tallest sandcastles in documented history, these kids are as unstoppable as a herd of runaway bison. And let's not forget the time they climbed the lofty peaks of the Appalachian Mountains, and caused such a ruckus that even the stones tried to roll away! In the grand state of Ohio, where the trees grow tall and the rivers eagerly babble their secrets to anyone who would listen, Professor Wobblebottom and his young explorers laugh in the face of indoor boredom. Armed with curiosity, courage, and a knack for finding the muddiest puddles, these kids are the champions of Ohio's untamed wilderness!
Read moremore nature programs near Blue Ash, OH
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Cincinnati’s premier Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Math project-based learning company is here! Located in Sharonville, this learning laboratory is the newest and best way to introduce kids to STEM. From inspiring innovation to advancing critical thinking, this company is committed to helping kids build their confidence by connecting them to their community and nature. This is the perfect way to prepare your children for a bright future in the world of STEM.
At Camp Aldersgate, we are committed to providing an atmosphere where campers and guests can experience God’s unconditional love and grace. We strive to build relationships with others that will last a lifetime and foster a sense of belonging and purpose. Our goal is to create a safe and positive environment where all can discover and explore their faith and the wonders of God’s creation. Camp Aldersgate is the perfect location for a summer escape! Located on the beautiful Leesville Lake in Carrollton, Ohio, Camp Aldersgate has been providing guests with excellence since 1947. Our range of summer camp programs for children grades 1st-12th, as well as year-round rental retreat facilities, provides the perfect opportunity for campers and guests to get away from their daily routine and distractions and truly enjoy the great outdoors. We foster a sense of belonging and purpose for our campers and guests, as we strive to create a safe and positive atmosphere where all can explore their faith and the wonders of God’s creation. As an accredited Christian Youth Summer Camp and year-round Retreat Center, we are committed to providing an environment where everyone can experience God’s unconditional love and grace. At Camp Aldersgate, we work hard to make sure our campers and guests have an amazing experience that they will remember for a lifetime. With our range of summer camp programs and year-round retreats, we guarantee an unforgettable experience filled with fun, friendship, and faith.