Since 1972, the Beth-Wood Baseball League has been a part of the community, providing an opportunity for youth to get involved in a healthful activity and learn important lessons of teamwork and responsibility. Originally known as the Woodbridge Fathers Baseball League and the Bethany Summer League, the league is now affiliated with Babe Ruth League Inc. and headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey.
The Beth-Wood Baseball League is committed to its mission of helping the youth in our community grow and develop. Through the game of baseball, children are taught important lessons in teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership that they will use for years to come. By providing a safe and wholesome environment for competition, the league encourages the community to come together and celebrate the spirit of youth sports.
The Babe Ruth League Inc. continues to support the Beth-Wood Baseball League in its mission of providing a positive atmosphere for youth development. With their headquarters in Trenton, New Jersey, the league is able to access the resources of the Babe Ruth League to further promote the importance of healthful activity and wholesome community participation. Through the combined efforts of the Babe Ruth League and the Beth-Wood Baseball League, children in our community will continue to benefit for years to come.
The objective of the B - W is to provide a supervised program of Baseball (both recreational and competitive) under the rules and policies of the Babe Ruth League, Inc. headquartered in Trenton, NJ. We are dedicated to implanting in our children the ideals of good sportsmanship, loyalty, courage, sense of teamwork, fair play, honesty and respect for authority so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger, happier individuals who will grow to become good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens. This Program will strive to instill within the individual a goal thereby helping to enrich their lives toward the day when they must take their place in the world.